They cook it with love and hate, Love for me and Hate for Traditional market situation :D
It is cook with our traditional family recipe with unique taste.
Many Chinese family at Surabaya are familiar with it unique taste
Let we say a litle pary before we eat :D
Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, whoever eats the fastest gets the most.
God is great, God is good, let us eat this tasty food
Dear God, my tummies a-rumbling so I'll stop this mumbling, let's eat!
FYI (for your information)
If you like to taste it please contact my love :
HP : 08563453787
HP : 08563453787
BBM: 28029b6b
Flexy : 03171975778
Yahoo messenger :
Yahoo messenger :
Babi kecap - Pure Awesomeness
babi ketjap
Pork In Sweet Soy Sauce
Yummy juicy Sweet sauce pork
Babi kecap - with Hot & Spicy chili sauce - Onion slice topping - warm rice
Babi kecap - Pure Sin
Babi kecap, Beer Anker, Juice Sweet soy sauce Pork stocks, warm rice
different corner of the world
A Beautiful Slice of Meat
A full Bowl, Dig In !
Embodiment of love
Good looking pork meat
Yummy supper wide and thin white Onion slices spice up my live
Round 2 - never back down
Round 2 - never back down
Cook it slow and carefully
The best flavor of the Pork and seasoning create aromas that make you hungry
Tease me